Profile for light and cost-effective constructions. The 8mm wide longitudinal grooves allow standard sliding blocks (except for sliding blocks with ridge, heavy) to be inserted. When slewing in ensure that correct direction is used, since the groove is asymmetrically shaped. For corresponding system modules see Accessories Range 8 30.

Profiles for light-weight and economic structures with a closed groove to protect against dirt penetration and to act as a visual feature. The width of the groove is 8 mm and permits the use of standard T nuts (except for T nuts with a „heavy“ spacer).Because of the asymmetric shape, be sure to select the correct direction of insertion. Forsuitable system components see Accessories for the 8 30 range.

Profiles for light-weight and economic structures with a closed groove to protect against dirt penetration and to act as a visual feature. The width of the groove is 8 mm and permits the use of standard T nuts (except for T nuts with a „heavy“ spacer).Because of the asymmetric shape, be sure to select the correct direction of insertion. Forsuitable system components see Accessories for the 8 30 range.
